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Beaver Interactive Walking Tour

From the Booklet

"A do it yourself Walking Tour of Beaver"

Published by the Beaver Area Heritage Foundation

and Beaver County Tourist Promotion Agency

Web Production by Keith Shovlin


Map of Beaver

1 - Site of Fort McIntosh

2 - The Quay Home

3 - The James Allison House

4 - Beaver College and Musical Institute

5 - Old School Bell

7 - The Michael Weyand House

8 - The John Shively House

9 - The Old Reservoir and Water Lot

10 - The Moyer House

11 - Clark Square - Beaver's Oldest Cemetery

12 - Law Office of Attorneys Wilson & Orr

13 - DiLorma Imbrie House

14 - First Court 16 - Courthouse

15 - Watering Troughs and Drinking Fountains

17 - The Agnew House

18 - The National Hotel

19 - Civil War Veteran's Monument

20 - The Beaver County Jail

21 - Beaver's Oldest House

Beyond The Town