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A History of Boy Scouts in Beaver


Troop 406

In June, 1940, this Troop will have been in continual operation as a chartered Troop for 25 years. The first charter was granted this Troop in June, 1915, when Sam B. Wilson was Scoutmaster. Prior to that date a Boy Scout Troop had been in existence in Beaver since 1912, when Russell Porter organized such a Troop.

As far as known, this Troop, however, was not chartered by the National Council, and very meager records of its membership and leaders have been preserved.

During the 25 years of its existence as a chartered Troop, approximately 400 Beaver boys have been enrolled in its membership, and the Troop has on numerous occasions distinguished itself not only in all phases of Scouting, but also in various civic services to the community.

Many former members of "old Troop 1" received as Scouts a training that undoubtedly benefited them greatly in their later careers in the professional, industrial, or business world.

This Troop has also been rather successful in reaching on of the objectives of the Scout Movement - that of training for leadership - as is evidenced by the fact, that out of the eleven commissioned Scoutmasters of the Troop, five have been fomre members of it, and many former scouts have served as Assistant Scoutmasters of this and other Scout Troops. Of the present District Committee, four members have been Scouts in this Troop.

The outdoor activities of the scout program has always played a prominent part in the history of this Troop as proven by its record of eighteen independent Troop Summer Camps.