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Getting places from Beaver was comparatively easy, given whatever modes of travel existed. Jolting wagons and carriages had to ford streams or use ferries until the Beaver River was bridged in 1815. Conestoga wagons rolled through Bridgewater as late as 1802, stopping at McClure's Tavern to double team before beginning the long climb up Brady's Hill.
By the 1830's there was a daily mail coach between Pittsburgh and Cleveland, tri-weekly mail to New Castle and Lisbon. Steamboats brought the daily mail to Stones' Point each evening. In 1833 the Beaver and Erie Canal opened up a more comfortable service to Erie, and in 1853 the first train service began on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Twenty-two years later, the first Pittsburgh and Lake Erie trains crossed to Monaca. In 1891, the forerunner of the Beaver Valley Traction Company operated street cars to other valley towns.
Still the largest
business building in the Third
Street business section, the Buchanan Building
was brand new when this photo was made in 1900.
Once upon a time, passengers
could ride the length of town -and then some- for only a nickel.