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The Beaver Falls Emergency Relief Organization

Submitted by Robert Bonnage
Milestones Vol 9 No 1--Winter 1984

On October 19,1932, the Beaver Falls Emergency Relief Organization gave instructions concerning the obtaining of food orders and fuel.

Until further notice grocery orders will be issued as follows: Families of one will receive a $3.00 order every six weeks; families of two will receive a $4.00 order every four weeks; families of three will receive a $4.50 order every three weeks; families of four will receive a $6.00 order every three weeks; families of five will receive a $5.00 order every two weeks; families of six will receive a $6.00 order every two weeks; families of seven will receive a $7.00 order every two weeks; families of eight will receive a $4.00 order every week; families of nine will receive a $4.50 order every week; families of ten will receive a $5.00 order every week; families of eleven will receive a $5.50 order every week; families of twelve will receive a $6.00 order every week; families of thirteen will receive a $6.50 order every week; and families of fourteen will receive a $7.00 order every week. A bag of flour will be included with each order.

In each family where there is an able-bodied man or grown son, a certain amount of work must be done if that family is to obtain grocery orders. There will be no exceptions.

One work slip will be given for each four hours of work done. Work slips will be required as follows: those receiving a $3.00 or $3.50 order must have three work slips; those receiving a $4.00 or $4.50 order must have four work slips; those receiving a $5.00 or $5.50 order must have five work slips; those receiving a $6.00 or $6.50 order must have six work slips; and those receiving a $7.00 order must have seven work slips.

All persons, unless otherwise instructed, will report to the City Barn near the incinerator plant on 15th Street and 9th Avenue at 7:00 a.m. on the days indicated.

Those not receiving orders every week must do their work during the week that they do not receive an order. All persons must work straight time until the required number of work slips are earned. Working a half a day or a day now and then will not be permitted. If bad weather interferes with the regular work scheduled those persons so effected will report for work the following day. All persons reporting for work must bring their own lunches as a group of men will be sent out of the city to work for the county from time to time. There will be no exceptions to these rules.

In each family where there is an able-bodied man or grown son, a certain amount of work must be done if that family is to obtain coal.

To work for coal, all persons, unless otherwise instructed, will report at the City Barn near the incinerator plant any morning at 7:00 a.m.

One work slip will be given for each four hours of work done. Four work slips will be required in order to secure coal. Requests for coal must be made to Dr. William S. Cook, corner of 6th Avenue and 12th Street between 4:30 and 5:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Requests for coal will not be made at any other time.

All requests for coal must be made in person bythe head of the head of the family and the four workslips must be presented to Dr. Cook at the time the request is made. There will be no exceptions to these rules.