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compiled by Helen Bair

Milestones Vol 7 No 4--Fall 1982

1 . Where was Raccoon Street?

2. Where was the Beaver Conservatory of Music and who conducted it?

3. What were the boundaries of Beaver when it was laid out?

4. Where was Groveland?

5. Where was Elk Street?

6. From where did the towns' early water supply come?

7. Where was the interurban trolley terminal?

8. Where was Beaver College and what happened to it?

9. When did the Christopher Wrenn style courthouse burn?

10. What Beaver firm kept prize winning Belgian horses for its hauling?

11. Where was Beaver High School's former football field?

12. Where were the fair grounds?





1. Dravo Avenue

2. The Northwest corner of Third Street and Wilson Avenue, now the Conservatory Apts. Arthur Reginald Little was conductor.

3. Fifth Street, River Road, Beaver Street and Buffalo Street.

4. West of Buffalo Street and south of Third Street.

5. College Avenue.

6. From a reservior supplied from a spring on the lot on the corner north of Fifth Street and east of Wayne Street. (The old "Water Lot")

7. East End Avenue, south of Third Street. The trolley ran between Beaver and East Liverpool.

8. On the ground occupied by the College Square School. It was moved to Jenkintown, Pa., in the mid-twenties.

9. The Spring of 1932.

10. The Cook-Anderson Coal and Lumber Company.

11. The southeast corner of Second Street and Buffalo Street.

12. On the land occupied by the Wooden Angel and the pole yard.