Project Title: "Oral History of Beaver or Big Beaver Falls Area School District"
Objectives: Students will:
1. Learn hwo to interview/be interviewed and the procedures involved in conducting an interview
2. Learn how to collect and sort collected data from person interviewed
3. Learn information about their local area
4. Enhance their listening, interpretation, and typing skills
5. Learn how to use primary sources in researching
6. Utilize and refine their time management skills
7. Develop interpersonal skills (reduce self-focus)
Opening Activity:
Unit Intro:
Classwork/Homework: See individual lesson plans
Time: Nine forty minute periods (one each week) and an entire marking period
Materials Needed:
Mail current progress repoert and letters home about the upcoming project
Cassette player
Call to Local History Museum to explain about students usint their resources
Cassette #10 (1950s collection)
Overhead projector
Overhead #1 (The World)
Overhead Map of Beaver County, Beaver or Beaver Falls
Lesson Materials for Bonus Activity #4
Unit Plan for ORal History of Beaver or Beaver Falls
Copies of Oral History HAndouts included with this unit outline for all students
Week One--Introduction to Oral History, Grouping students in pairs and questions
Week Two--Topic to be researched, Pre-intervies activity and review, and discussion of process
Week Three--Name of person to be interviewed and Exposition of the types of interviews possible
Week Four--Date or interview and questions to be used for a semi-structured interview
Week Six--Notes from interview typed and a Discussion of outcomes and experiences
Week Seven--Word-Processed summary, biography or transcript of interview with notes and questions
Week Eight--Interviews put up on web pages and students complete "Reflection" sheets
Week Nine--Presentations of "Oral History Reports"