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Volume 14



Number 4: Winter 1989 - First Farm Society of Beaver County, The History Of TheNew Salem Presbyterian Church, Tribune News Boys Christmas. Paff Furniture Company. Rochester, Former Valley Woman is Poet, H. C. Fry Glass Society, Old Beaver Cemetery

Number 3: Fall 1989 - The James B. Clow Farmhouse, Selections From Bausman's History, The Telelphone in Beaver County Originated August 1879.

Number 2: Summer 1989 - The Memories of Georgetown, American Bridge: 5,000th Barge, More and Better Gas--Beaver Falls, Much Speeding Done, Birthday Ball in Valley to be Gala Event, Early History of Brewer School and Beaver County School System, Master Builders Adopt a New Wage Scale for Crafts: 1922 , Milk Control Board, The Nasty Beaver River, WBVP Radio Talk Show 1951, Liberty Bread, The Beaver River: A Poem

Number 1: Spring 1989 - Beaver County Voters Statistica 1928, The Forerunner of the PennsylvaniaAssociation of Housing Authority, Frisco Hard to Describe, Haps and Mishaps of a Tour of EuropeBy Grace Greenwood, 1853, The Parable of the Grade School Teacher, Old Fashioned Household Hints, To the Voters of New Brighton, Pioneer Cemetaries of Beaver County, Come to the Hills of Green: A Poem by Milo Townsend