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by permission of Helen Harriss

Milestones Vol 10 No 1--Winter 1985


qr9l7.4892A78-Art Work of Beaver and Lawrence Cos. 1894

q r974.892 B357- Beaver Co. Sesquicentennial Souvenir Program, 1800-1950

q r974.892 B48- Book Of Biographies, Biographical Pub. Co. 1899

r974.892B84-Bayan, Robt. M.: Historical Events Of South Side Beaver Co. (Hookstown) 1924

qr974.892J42-Jordan, John W. Genealogical And Personal History Of Beaver Co. Lewis Pub. Co. 1914

r9l7.4892W58-Weyand & Reed: Beaver Co. Centennial Directory, pub. 1876 (Contains list of all taxables)

r917.4892A51 -American Agriculturist Farm Directory Of Beaver & Lawrence Cos. (includes 1917 road map)-1917

qr379.748E64-English, Orlando Hallock: Study Of School Tax Liens In Beaver Co. (Thesis, U. of Pgh.) 1932

r336.2B49rr-Ritchie, W.A. (comp.) Reference Directory Of All Taxpayers Of Beaver Co., Pa. Who Return For Taxation $500.00 Or More In Personal Property, Money, Mortgages, stocks, Bonds, Etc. Pub. 1903.

qr379.748S651 -Smith, J. Edward: Tax Exonerations In Certain School Districts Of Beaver Co. (Thesis, U. of Pgh.) 1930

qr071 B357*-Beaver Falls Union and Beaver co. Advocate, 20 Jan. 1838 to 2 March 1839 (also Beaver Falls Chronical and Beaver Falls Advocate)

r974.892 B35- Beaver Falls Story, 1946

q r974.892 B3574- Reader, Francis Smith: Old Brighton, 1908

r285.1M52-May, Charles Reeves: Fiftieth anniversary, First Presbyterian Church 1867-1917

qr974.869L82-Long, Blackstone & Co.: Day Book (10 March 1840 to 16 April 1842) of Beaver Furnace, Deer Creek, Beaver Twp. 1842

qr974.892B32-Bausman: History Of Beaver Co., Pa. 1904

qr974.892W23-Warner: History Of Beaver Co., Pa. 1888


N-31-Beaver co., Pa. Arugs-Radical (weekly) 11 June 1830 to 29 May 1878

553.24P31 -Patterson, Elmer D.-Coal Resources Of Beaver Co., Pa. (Geological Survey Bulletin 1143-A)

qr9l2.74892P39-Warrantee Atlas of Beaver co. (18 maps) 1929-1932

qr9l2.74892M2-Official Hearne Bros. Polyconic Projection Map Of Beaver and Lawrence Cos. (1949?)

qr912.74892M-Map Of Beaver Falls

Loose Drawer I.F. Uncatalogued Map of Beaver co. in 1817 Beaver County in 1970


qr912.7C13-CaIdwelI: Centennial Atlas Of Beaver Co.

In Clippings File Under "Beaver County":

A series of articles on History of Beaver County, published in Gazette-Times 12,19, 26 Jan. 1919 and 7 Sept. 1919.

Pittsburgh Press 8 Nov. 1925 "Beaver Growing Fast"; 2 July 1933 "George Croghan, Pioneer Trader, Had Post in 1748."

Two Booklets:

"Story of Beaver Falls," pub. 1946

Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Bulletin, St. peter's Luih. Ch.

Miscellaneous collection of newspaper clippings.



Ruth Steele, Librarian

Information which we have in our Beaver Campus Library:

Beaver County Census (on microfilm), 1790 through 1880.

Beaver County Newspapers: (on microfilm)

The Western Argus. June 1830 through August 1841 The Beaver Argus, August 2, 1843 through September 1873

The Beaver Radical, January 1873 through October 1873

The Argus Radical, September 1873 through May 1878 The Beaver Times, February 1875 through March 1878 You should be aware that there are gaps in the dates of some of these newspapers. We do not know whether there were gaps in the issuing dates or just the microfilm dates.

We also have a collection of Civil War newspapers (on microfilm). These are from various towns, but not exclusively from Pennsylvania towns.

The following books (which I have listed by our call numbers) names, families, and other genealogical data.

E184.AlN36-Neidle, Cecyle S. The New Americans. New York, 1967

E 184. B7E74- Erickson, Charlotte. Invisible Immigrants. Coral Gables, 1972.

E184.16886-Brown, Thomas N. Irish-American Nationalism 1870-1890. Philadelphia, 1966

E184.S3M2-1968 MacLean, J.P. Scotch Highlanders in America. Baltimore, 1968

E184.S4136-11967 Balton, Charles K. Scotch Irish Pioneers. Baltimore, 1967

E184.W4H33-Hartmann, Edward G. Americans from Eales. Boston, 1967

Ref. E255.P4-Peferson, Clarence S. Known Military Dead During American Revolutionary War 17751783. Baltimore, 1967

Ref. E591.U58-Index 1961. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. New York, 1961

Ref. F149.D27-1969 Day, Sherman. Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania. Port Washington, Long Island, 1969 (reprint)

F67.B19-1967 Banks, Charles E. The Planters of the Commonwealth. Baltimore, 1967

F160.G3K5 Kleos, Fredric. The Pennsylvania Dutch. New York, 1950

F160.G3K9-1971. Kuhns, Oscar. The German and ,Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania. Ann Arbor,1971

F160.W488-1967 Browning, Charles H. Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania. Baltimore, 1967

E184.AlF47-Fermi, Laura. Illustrious Immigrants. Chicago, 1968.

JV4650.N6-Novotny, Ann Strangers at the Door. Riverside, Connecticut, 1971.

JV6450.H34-1972 Handlin, Oscar. A pictorial History of Immigration. New York, 1972

The following books, although not dealing with particular immigrants, cover, or deal with, the general subject of Immigration.

E184.AlG4-Gerson, Louis L.The Hyphenate in Recent American Politics and Diplomacy. Lawrence, Kansas,1964

E184.AlH27-1973 Handlin, Oscar. The Uprooted. Boston, 1973

F160.G3R6-1967 Intimate Glimpses of the Pennsylvania Germans. Gettysburg, 1966.

E184.16W52-Wittke, Carl. The Irish in America. New York, 1968

E184.J3K5-1976 Kitano, Harry H. Japanese Americans; the Evolution of a Subculture. Englewood Cliffs, 1975.

E184.J5G35-Gay, Ruth. Jews in America. New York, 1965

El 84.M5G62-Gomerz, David F. (Strangers in Our Own Land) Somos Chicanos. Boston, 1973

E184.M5S4-1974. Servin, Manuel P. An Awakened Minority: The Mexican-Americans. Beverly Hills, 1974

E184.P85067-Cordasco, Francesco. The Puerto Rican Experience. Totowa (N.J.), 1973

El 85..89-1966. Woodson, Carter G. &Wesley, Charles H. The Negro in Our History. Washington, D.C., 1966

JV6424.B6-Boggess, Louise. Journey to Citizenship. New York, 1967

JV6450.A75-Appel, John J., ed. The New Immigration. New York, 1971

JV6455.W55-1964Wittke, Carl. We Who Built America. 1964

Two other books you might be interested in -

Ref. CR57.G7F2-1968. Fairbairn, James. Book of Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland. Baltimore, 1968

Rec. CR125.B4-1966. Berling, J.M. and Hay, A.T. Heraldic Designs and Engravings. Coral Gables, 1966.