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The Beaver College and Musical Institute opened its doors in 1853, was rebuilt and had its name changed in 1896, and was sold in 1925. For nearly three quarters of a century the college was the cultural and civic center, its facilities and staff being available not only to full time scholars, but in music providing private instructions in voice, organ, and piano. From 1875 to 1905, Professor Scudder Piersol's Academy in Bridgewater educated many of the leading citizens of the valley, as did W. P. Pollock's Beaver County Commercial College.
The present day Fort McIntosh
was the home of the president of
Beaver College when this picture
was made in 1900.
Beaver College classrooms
and dormitories
were housed in these buildings on College Avenue:
For many years after the departure of the college,
the building on the left served as Beaver High School.
Many fine homes of the Victorian
period were graced with these
cupolas, or "captain's walks":
This one atop the Fort McIntosh
Club is the lone survivor in 1975.
Part of the faculty of Beaver
College on the steps of the then-new
dormitory building, about 1897.