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Railroad Company Secures Permission of Council to Move Station to Location Purchased for that Purpose Some Time Ago.
This morning the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad
company secured permission from the street committee of the Monaca
borough council to move the passenger station at Colonia to Fourteenth
street, Monaca, where it will be placed on the site lately purchased
by the company for that purpose.
The removal of the depot will be in itself quite an engineering feat as the building is a commodious one, modernly constructed and will prove a boon to the passenger traffic of Monaca. The present plan is to construct two tracks from the depot to the tracks leading down Colonia avenue and then move the building along the tracks, to Fourteenth street, a distance of seven blocks.
Recently the company has done away with the
stop known as "The Steel Works Stop," but with the removal
of the depot at Colonia, a new building will be erected on the
"stop" for the convenience of those employed at the
The railroad company has agreed with the street
committee to be financially responsible for any damage that may
result from the removal of the depot.
The following members of council compose the
street committee: James A. Miller, chairman; E. H. McMahon and
Dr. J. R. Gormley.
The location of the present depot at Monaca is at Sixth street and it will be abandoned as soon as the building at Fourteenth street is placed in shape.