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By Grace M. Swink
Milestones Vol 9 No 4--Fall 1984

Today when so much is being said and written about today's youth, parents have a responsibility to themselves, their children, and their country, to build morally strong men and women. Eventually, the youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, and will shape and control the destiny of our beloved land.

As a parent I shall - Teach my children selfdiscipline, self-respect. and to respect the rights and property of others.

I shall teach my children - To cherish their freedom and to obey the laws of our land, civil disobedience is the beginning of. self-destruction. Criticism, unjust criticism, is the first sign of an inner weakness and insecurity.

I shall teach my children - to love their country and to honor its flag.

I shall teach my children - To promote with great eagerness the things that have made America a great nation, and to oppose with equal firmness the things that tend to destroy the youth of our land.

I shall teach my children - To read a book, compose a poem, paint a picture, bake a pie, wax the car, when they are bored. The world does not owe them a living, honest work is a panacea for many ills.

I shall teach my children - Love is the greatest moving force in the world. To not be ashamed or afraid to express your love and devotion to family and friends.

I shall teach my children - That happiness is in giving, giving of one's self, giving of one's possessions, or sharing a pleasant experience. Material thingsafford us little enjoyment unless we can share them with friends. Each day is beautiful when happiness touches it. Each day is a gift - use it wisely.