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STATISTICS OF BEAVER CO. Submitted by Mark Welchley As exhibited in the reports of the Deputy Marshals, for the year 1840. Published in Beaver Argus, March 3, 1841. Milestones Vol 10 No 2--Spring 1985

Number of Furnaces, 4- tons produced, 260; Persons employed, 28 - capital $30,000.
Bushels mined, 402,414 - capital, $39,640, Persons employed, 91.
Bushels produced, 1440 - persons employed, 4.
	Capital, $2,400
Horses and mules		8,358
Neat Cattle		         31,028
Sheep		                   71,173
Swine		                    33,350
Value of Poultry		$12,059
Bushels wheat		328,749
Bushels Barley	22,576
Bushels Oats		525,971
Bushels Rye		53,141
Bushels Buckwheat	73,336
Bushels Corn		219,035
Pounds of Wool		128,541
Pounds of Hops		1,298
Pounds of Wax		656
Bushels Potatoes		199,134
Tons Hay		          19,538
Tons Hemp & Flax		11 1/4
Pounds of Sugar Made	35,718
Cords of Wood sold		6,088
Products of the Dairy	$12,155
Products of the Orchard	$9,573
Gallons of Wine made	3,270
Value homemade goods	$13,225
No. Commission houses, 4 - capital $5,500. No. retail
	dry goods, grocery and other stores 86.
	Capital invested $197,250
Value of Machinery manufactured	$9,245
Value of Brick and Lime	          $9,480

Number of Fulling mills,	          8
Number of Woollen manufacturies	8
Number of persons employed        157
Value manufactured goods	         $164,950
Capital invested	                   $154,400

No. Cotton manufactories	          2
No. Spindles	                             2,800
No. persons employed	          65,
Value manufactured goods	         $40,000
Capital invested	                   $50,000

No. of pounds of silk reeled	         150
Value	                                       $900
Persons employed	                   18
Capital invested	                   $2,500
Value of hats manufactured	         $12,500
Persons employed	                   18
Capital	                                       $8,500

No. Tanneries, 30 - Men employed	 55
Sides of sole leather tanned   	6,083
Sides of upper leather tanned	7,285
Capital invested		          $32,285

No. of other manufactories, 
Saddleries & c	                         64
	Value of manufactores	     $31,080

No. of Distilleries		               13
	Gallons produced		     51,760

Breweries			               9
	Gallons produced		     79,000

	Value of manufactures	     $7,900

Paper Mills			               2
	Value of manufactures	     $55,000
	Persons employed		     42
	Capital			              $9,100
Number of Flouring mills	     11
Number of Grist mills               60
Barrels of Flour manufactured   29,900
Saw mills			     73
Oil mills			      3
	Value of manufactures    $24,010
	Capital			     $297,400
	Persons employed	     180
Vessels - value of Vessels built    $53,275
Value of products		         $41,676
Capital invested		         $38,120
Total amount of capital
invested in manufactures	         $1,083,268