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4-5 bushels assorted apples (Prepared)
20# sugar
I stick butter

1/4c. cinnamon
1 gallon apple cider
Copper Kettle - 15 to 25 gallon size

Peel, core and quarter apples. Cook down in copper kettle until apples are soft. When soft process through food processor to make sauce. Get kettle hot over open fire, add apple cider and pour in prepared applesauce. Stir constantly never stopping. After approximately 3 hours, add butter and begin to add sugar and cinnamon. Mix the cinnamon in with some of the sugar. Sugar amounts may vary depending on the sweetness of the apples.

In about 6 - 7 hours test apple butter by putting small amount on saucer and turning sideways ...if water runs out it is not done. When no water is left in apple butter, it is done. Remove from heat but continue to stir while filling hot mason jars. Seal with hot lids and rings. This is an assembly line project and takes quite a few people to keep it going. Makes about 40 quarts. Apple butter has been a favorite fall fund raiser for over 55 years at New Salem. This recipe was handed down to me from Ruth May who has been the head apple butter maker for many years.

Sherbie Zorich


5# assorted apples
1 Tbsp. butter
1 c. apple cider

2 c. sugar
I Tbsp. cinnamon


Peel, core and quarter apples and cook in water until soft. When soft process in food processor or blender. Put apple cider in crock-pot and get hot, add applesauce and cook on high uncovered stirring occasionally. After about 2 hours add butter, sugar and cinnamon gradually. Amount of sugar may vary depending on sweetness of apples. When apple butter is of desired thickness (Test to see if done by putting small amount on saucer and turning sideways to see if any water runs off. If water runs off, cook longer.) When done pour into hot mason jars and seal with hot lids and rings. These will seal themselves. This recipe makes about 6 pints.

Sherbe Zorich