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Lyceum Theater
Milestones Vol 21 No 3 Fall 1996

Beaver Falls enjoys the reputation among theatrical people of being a 11 good show town," and the best companies on the road stop here. It has one of the most elegantly appointed theaters in the State, the Lyceum Theater, built by Mr. Asher Hanauer, one of Beaver Falls' leading merchants, in 1902, and is the only first-class theater in Beaver County. It is on the ground floor, is absolutely fire-proof, as shown by the State inspection, is supplied with ample exits and has a seating capacity of 1350. The stage is spacious, fitted with new scenery and has comfortable dressing rooms. The policy adopted calls for high class entertainments at popular prices, and no shows which will in any way offend will be permitted to occupy the theater. The comfort and convenience of patrons are the first consideration of the management. The attendants are always courteous and civil. The manager, Mr. S. Hanauer, is a gentleman of experience and judgment and his thorough and practical methods are responsible for the success which has been achieved. Mr. Asher Hanauer is also the head of the Hanauer Medicine Company, established in 1848, and which manufactures the world's famous Steinfeld's Magnetic Salve and Drops, a positive cure for all blood, bone and skin diseases. The offices of this company are located in the theater block on the corner of Seventh Avenue and Fifth Street.
