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APRIL 15, 1879
Milestones Vol 12 No 2--Summer 1987

Quite a number of visitors from Freedom and the surrounding country attended the Easter services of the Harmony society at Economy on Sunday last. The band of the society gave a number of pieces in excellent style in church. The society lately purchased new silver instruments for this band at a cost of twentyfive hundred dollars, and it is perhaps the best band, outside of the large cities, of the state. Mr. Henrici, the venerable leader of the society, occupied the pulpit and delivered a running discourse (sitting in his chair all the while), which began with chaos and ended in the Romans. After the sermon the choir of young ladies sang an anthem, and the young men followed with a psalm, Mr. Henrici, presiding at the organ and leading for both parties. These young people are not of the original members, and are other adopted or employed by the society for various purposes. The society being in favor of celibacy, of course the young people were not permitted to sing together. "Mr. Henrici during his remarks," writes our "Cousin Jed," "advanced a doctrine new to us in relation to the after life, and one which we suppose would hardly please the fair sex. He called attention to the fact that in the Old Testament the sexes were spoken of as God's sons and daughters, whilst in the New Testament, after Christ's resurrection, the apostle in Roman's speaks only of the sons of God. From this the argument was deduced that in the future life we would have no sex and be one company, the "Himmlische Sophia." as Mr. Henrici expressed it. Flowers adorned the windows of all the houses in the quaint old town, but in the "garden" the season was not far enough advanced for the usual display. A few fine

hyacinths and pansies were out and nestling along the stone wall beneath the clinging ivy, was that sweetest of all sweet flowers, the blue violet, blooming in profusion and scenting the balmy air with a delicious fragrance. We are not a poet or we might go into raptures over the scene, for who can forget a walk in the old Economy garden amid sunshine and flowers?"