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Beaver County Bicentennial Celebrations Planned

Milestones Vol 23 No. 3

On March 12, 2000, Beaver County will turn 200 years old and plans are currently underway to celebrate this historic occasion. "We have made significant progress during the past 200 years in Beaver County. We are ready to celebrate. The interest is growing and the excitement is mounting," said Samuel Kovolenko, Executive Chairman of the celebration.

The strategic plan for the event was recently presented to the Board of the Beaver County Commissioners. Commissioners Bea Schulte, Dan Donatella, and Nancy Loxley along with members of the Beaver County Historical Research and Landmarks Foundation discussed organizational plans and the celebration kick off. "We are ready to go," added Kovolenko. Committees have been designated and everyone is encouraged to participate. Numerous community volunteers will be needed. Celebration committees consist of the following: finance, event planning and publicity, historical research and community relations. The finance committee will help locate funding sources and sponsors, prepare the budget and plan expenses. Members of the event planning and publicity committee will organize the celebration events and coordinate all public relation activities. Research, collecting data, and developing stories for promoting the bicentennial will be the task of the historical research committee. The community relations committee will work with government officials, business and community leaders to coordinate the various phases of the celebration.

The events being planned will center around county government and the Beaver County seat. The theme "Beaver County Historic Celebration 2000" will be carried over to all county-wide bicentennial events held throughout the summer and the fall of the year 2000.

Tentative kick off dates will be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 16-18, 2000 in Beaver. We are trying to put together a repeat performance of the 100 year celebration that was held in June of 1900. According to J. H. Bausman's Vol. 2 History of the Beaver County, "the celebration was carried out with brilliancy and dignity. It was ranked as one of the most successful of similar celebrations in the history of the state." Why was this celebration a success? Because people had a great deal of pride in their community and got involved says Kovolenko. "While reading through Bausman's account of the celebration, you get a good feeling. Members of the legal profession, government, the clergy, the medical and business community, military and the public at large all played significant roles in carrying out the centennial plan. All of these groups will need to join forces to again create an air of cooperation."

There is so much to be proud of here in Beaver County. Our area is rich in history and we are represented by many nationalities and religious groups, a true melting pot which symbolizes America.

"As well as looking forward to a new millennium in the year 2000 and the 200th year birthday of Beaver County, let's all join together and make the Historic Celebration 2000 a most memorable one. One that in 100 years from now will be recalled once again 'as one of the most successful' of celebrations held in the history of Pennsylvania," concluded Kovolenko.

If you would like to help make history, join the Beaver County Historic Celebration 2000 by serving on a committee.