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New Castle and Beaver Packet

Milestones Vol. 6 No.2-Spring 1980

Will commence its daily trips between New Castle and Beaver on Tuesday, the 5th of April, connecting with the morning train of cars to Pittsburgh. Leaving New Castle at 7 o'clock in the evening. Returning, leaving Beaver on the arrival of the evening train of cars from Pittsburgh. Persons can thus leave New Castle in the evening and arrive in Pittsburgh the next morning at 9 o'clock, transact 8 hours business, and back in the evening train of cars to Beaver, thence to New Castle by the same boat. Fare from New Castle to Beaver by packet 50 cents. Excursion tickets from Beaver to Pittsburgh and back (good for two days only) $1.00, costing only $2.00 from New Castle to Pittsburgh and back.

From The History Of Transportation In Lawrence County.