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Chippewa Society Formed
In the 1840s an antislavery society was founded in Chippewa Township (Bausman 1143).
Colonization Society
While abolitionists were scattered throughout
the county, in general the town of Beaver was strongly opposed
to the movement.
However, a Pennsylvania Colonization Society had been formed with
the purpose of buying the freedom of slaves and sending them to
Africa as colonists. The Beaver County Colonization Society was
organized in Beaver on November 30, 1837, with the intention of
aiding the state society in its work (Warner 251).
William Lloyd Garrison strongly opposed this method of attempting
to solve the slavery problem. He had begun his career as an opponent
of slavery for the very purpose of taking a stand against the
American Colonization Society, which had been founded in 1817.
He saw this movement as an attempt to remove the people who had
been slaves rather than finding a solution to the problem as a
whole. He believed that all who had been slaves should become
free United States citizens and receive all of the benefits of