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Milestones Vol 24. No. 2 Spring 1999

On June 28, 1924, a hurricane struck the area of Crow's Run in Beaver County and caused tremendous damage to property belonging to the Park Brothers. The flood resulting from the hurricane washed out sections of the Railroad tracks, storage buildings and caused large piles of bricks stored for shipment to topple into the stream. It was a severe loss to the Parks family. Also in 1924, the cement industry began to dominate the paving industry and together with the depression at that time the last brick yard of the Parks brothers closed its operations. The brick kilns and buildings were sold as salvage. The Borough of Freedom purchased a number of the bricks and paved many of its streets with the bricks. The balance of them were sold to a Real Estate firm in Ambridge. These brick streets are still in use in the Borough of Freedom.