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The building to contain the apparatus of the new purifying section of the Beaver Falls Gas Works is finished, and the apparatus moved in but connections have not been made yet. By the aid of this new purifying apparatus the Company will be able to give a large quantity and a much better quality of gas. They expect the new section to be in complete running order in about thirty days. Another improvement will be the attaching of a "street governor" to the Beaver Falls street mains. This will be done in a few days. By the aid of this governor an even pressure of gas will be secured at all hours of the night. As it is now during the earlier hours of the evening when all the burners throughout the town are in use, the pressure is light and the gas burns dimly, and as it grows later and but few burners are lighted, the pressure is very great, and causes those that are lighted to "blow" and waste considerable gas. This "governor" will do away with all trouble of that description.