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compiled by Sidney Kane

Milestones Vol. 7 No. 3--Summer 1982

1. Where did Geneva College first open in 1880?

2. Where was Wanda Hall in Beaver Falls?

3. Who lived originally at the location of Providence Hospital?

4. What famous evangelist held services around 1910-1911 in Beaver Falls?

5. Where was the first fire-engine in Beaver Falls kept?

6. Where was the second home of the fire department?

7. Where was the Farmer Bank located around 1920?

8. What is the association of the names of Ernie Kline, Chuck Wilson and Mrs. Gertrude Trobe?

9. When was the first night school opened in the town?

10. Where was the Mansion House located and what was its use by the owners of the Beaver Falls Cutlery?



1. Church at corner of Seventh Avenue and Ninth Street, presently St. Ladislaus Roman Catholic, but Reformed Presbyterian in 1880.

2. Abandoned site of Methodist Church north of former Providence Hospital on Third Avenue, used as a basketball court.

3. Henry Toy Reeves, brother of John Reeves.

4. Billy Sunday, ex-baseball player, had his tabernacle near Eleventh Street and First Avenue.

5. The Lenz fire engine was kept at the Beaver Falls Cutlery at Second Street and Seventh Avenue.

6. Eleventh Street and Seventh Avenue, present location of Union National Bank of Pittsburgh.

7. Southeast corner at Eleventh Street and Seventh Avenue facing Federal Title and Trust Company, more recently home of Logos Book Store and Karate School.

8. Announcers or commentators at WBVP.

9. In the fall of 1877 with teacher, Miss Alice Abel; the school closed when the pupils who had worked at daylight jobs fell asleep in class.

10. The former home of James Patterson was used as boarding and rooming quarters for the Chinese who worked in the cutlery from 1872-1877. It was located on Seventh Avenue and Fourth Street.