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1. American Bridge 2. Ambridge Confectionary 3. Ambridge Restaurant 4. Bartolas, Joe & Benzik 5. Boxton Quick Lunch 6. Bukaskry, Paul 7. Busy Bee Lunch 8. Candilero, Joe 9. Coney Island Lunch 10. Coronis, Wick 11. Catchis, John 12. Dixie Lunch Wagon 13. Gaitonis, John 14. Grand Restaurant 15. Hallony, John 16. Kamadakis, Geo. 17. Kingas, Evgugelos 18. Kokas, Geo. & Jos. 19, Liberty Restaurant 20. Micoletta Dairy Lunch 21. Muice, M. 22. National Restaurant 23. New Idea 24, Olympic Lunch 25. Pappas, Tom 26. Rojas, Rufuio 27. Sanchez, Peter 28. Serene, Harry 29. Shuster, Katharine 30. Sotyion, Christ 31. Spagnolo, Joseph