According to scientific research and knowledge,
the average human being requires five to six glasses of water
per day, or about 30 ounces minimum. Further investigation will
reveal that in the case of Beaver the average per capita use of
water amounts to 300 gallons per day!
The plumbing system now found in every home,
private or public building is also taken for granted and receives
scant thought by those who use it. Yet it is as complicated as
it is simple. Picture a home wilhout it. This, too, has a long
history of development. The toilet in your home, the bathtub and
shower room installations, the faucets in your kitchen, the dishwasher,
the disposal unit, the automatic laundry, the hot water tank,
the outlets for lawn sprinkling and last but not least the private
swimming pools that are so much in evidence now all owe their
existence to it.
The traditional Saturday "bath night" for many years has given way to daily bathing because of the ingenious plumbing system and, above all, because of the availability and abundance of water, hot or cold, at any hour of the day or night. It is the abundance of the water supply that created the technology of plumbing. It is a continuation of the basic systems of water distribution. In the case of Beaver this system came into being with the installation of the first gasdriven pump in 1886 and has been perfected from year to year to its efficiency of today. The more thought one gives to this subject the more one marvels at this most useful accomplishment.